Tuesday, August 30, 2005
"Walang anak na sanggano kung walang inang sanggano!" -Baby Delgado, Cain at AbelIn a span of 4 weeks, I witnessed 2 accounts of kids innocently mimmicking their parents' dirty deeds!!! hahahahahahahahahaha... MY GAWD! What will you do if your kids see you? For me, it would depend on their age. But I will still make sure that will NEVER happen to me!
Then Jess revealed something... Now that is really f*cked up! Wala ka talagang sinasanto sa panlalandi! Pati bata... GRABEH!!
I'm part of a new club, by the way. It's called KKK. I swear, ang motto kasi ng mga tao ngayon ay iwanan e... WELL...
Oh.. and I have to plug in something: Do watch out for Temptation Island: Kung Saan Nagkakasiraan ng Relasyon. It will be out in the S:\ Drive real soon.
link | YuneePuks posted at 10:11:00 PM |

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