Monday, August 08, 2005
Che Guevara
"Silence is argument carried out by other means." -Ernesto 'Che' GuevaraI was not abducted by aliens nor did I commit suicide. I was just "busy" doing lots of things and pondering about my future. Oh, and I was in hiding too... hehehe... well, not from anyone in the blogs. Just from someone who makes me want to get out of my desk early and spend my work nights talking with my friends.
So now he's being silent. Changing strategy? I don't know. Does it matter? I don't know either. Well, I hope with all that heat burning inside him, he'll fart himself to oblivion.
Since I haven't updated by blog for 5 days I might as well start with the funny things that we discovered last week. We had lunch at McDonald's last Thursday and while waiting in line, Jess noticed this guy in front of her with a t-shirt saying "foot soldier of Che Guevara." It was a rollercoaster of revelations after that! Christy and Jess didn't know who Che Guevara was! Then when the guy turned and we saw Che Guevara's silhouette printed on the front of his shirt, Jess exclaimed, "Eh si Bob Marley yan e!" hahahahahahahahaha...
But maybe Jess has a point! Look!!!!

hmmm... yeah, whatever. Still kinda stupid to me. hahahahahahaha...How can you not know Che Guevara?!
It turns out not everyone does!! hahahaha...
Pointers to spot who Che Guevara is (from Gerald):
- Hindi sya kumanta ng Redemption song at Buffalo Soldier
- Hindi rin sya yung namatay na reggae master na nakitaan ng 9 species ng kuto sa ulo.
- Higit sa lahat, hindi rin sya babae na naggugupit at nagmamanicure sa yo.
But yeah, how did I know about Che Guevara? I asked Mitch if she knows Che (of course she knows!) but it's still a mystery how we found out about the man behind the silhouette. I first thought we studied about him in school... Naah... come to think of it, we really didn't!! It pays to read a lot, you know!
Friday came... Erwin, Jackie, Gerald and Jess went to my house just to lounge while the rain poured. Yummmmmmmmmm Grill Queen barbecue with hot rice, vinegar and coke. I'll eat that again this weekend. My stomach's growling again. I just heard Christy say Shawarma. ok.. I won't be distracted...
Sh*t, one of us is keeping silent of his problems. He's letting his client win the battle! If I were you, I'd speak. You don't know how Mudrax is... Listen to Jackie's words of wisdom: "What's your intention?! Speak up!" That's what she learned from Mudrax. :-p
ohhhh.. here are the new buzz everyone's been waiting for:
- Sinong CC ang HW? Clue: Homewrecker sya!
- Sinong SL ang ahas? Clue: victim nya ngayon si GS! Isa pang clue: Llllllllllll...
- Hay nako... bakit kaya tahimik din si GC?
- Bakit gustong gusto ni MT na mag-mini skirt? Clue: Malandi kasi sya!
More to come!!!

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