Monday, July 25, 2005
"Attention to health is life's greatest hindrance." -PlatoWe went to my grandmother's house this morning to celebrate my uncle's birthday (which is actually tomorrow). My mom bought live crabs at Dampa and my aunt cooked it. After that, my blood pressure rose to 148/80!! It scared me half to death and tonight I only ate camote tops and veggies because of it! My mom's banning me from drinking coffee now and warned me from eating lots of things! Ack... so fine, I'll start my brisk walking again and I'll go back to the gym. :( I hate it! But I have to... *big sigh*
Oh well, there are more advantages than disadvantages to it anyways. At least I'll live longer. :-p It doesn't help that my great grandmother in Okinawa lived until she was 97! Pressure, pressure... I need to start with that Okinawa program again.

Hmmm.. if I trim down with this diet, would I look like Tamlyn Tomita? She's half Flip, Half Jap... hmmmmmm... (wishful thinking)
Shit, work again tomorrow. How will I survive the day without my coffee?
link | YuneePuks posted at 10:17:00 PM |

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