Tuesday, July 26, 2005
"Plato was a bore." -Friedrich NietzscheAside from this quote answering the previous quote I posted, it made me think back on college and Philosophy classes. We had to take 16 units of it!! Bah! Well, it has its benefits. It was easier to read Sophie's World and understand the epoche of being! Whoaa... big words!!! I used to hate Plato because I wasn't really that interested in my Pol Sci subjects which tackled Plato in more ways than one (especially since he wrote The Republic). Well, Nietzsche's right! Plato's the biggest bore in the world! I only became interested in him when my favorite Philosophy teacher, Mr. Giordano, talked about the caves and how people only see their shadows that are brought by the light outside the caves. Well, don't allow me to blab on coz I think I'm the only person who'll understand this particular blog. See? Nietzsche's right! hehehe...
Anyways, it was a slap in the face when my Philosophy oral exams came and I was able to answer Mr. Giordano's questions until he asked me what is justice for Plato! That was the last follow up question and I was already thinking about my summer vacation that I was not able to answer it!!! :( The most devastating thing is, I know the answer by heart because it's what we always discuss in Yu-Jose's class!!! I even quoted that in one of my first blog entries here! Gah!! I remembered it only after I left his office. And I couldn't forgive myself that on the next term that he became my teacher again and we were sitting for my Final Orals, I told him what happened before and said (without him asking me the question) that Justice to Plato is giving man what is due! Argghhhhh...
Fine, move on Eunice. But I can't! And this is why I hate Plato so much and I think he's the most boring old fart in the world!
Hmmm.. and what about Nietzsche? We'll talk about him tomorrow.
link | YuneePuks posted at 10:23:00 PM |
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