Friday, July 29, 2005
"Hemingway was a jerk." -Harold RobbinsThis will probably be my last of the series of quoted retorts. Too strenuous plus I'm getting bored with it.
Well, well, well... Who's the jerk I was mad at in my last post? Only a few know about it and I'm gonna keep it that way. I'm fed up with people of that breeding hanging out with me so the best way I'll deal with them is to ignore them. If they make a scene about it, I'm ready to put them down! HAH!
ooohhhh... Gerald filled me in on something!! :-p juicy blind item!!!
Sinong GC ng S ang gumagamit ng PF? Clue: PF was my topic in my previous blog! *wink wink* FRESH NA FRESH!!!!
This one Junet observed:
Sinong ZC ng S ang sumusobra pag napapaisip? Clue: anlabo ng reply nya sa email ni GC ng S. hahahahaha....
link | YuneePuks posted at 10:43:00 PM |

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