Monday, February 28, 2005
Ok, fine... I haven't updated my blog for a time now. Well... below's a brief summary of what's been going on in my life:1) I'm moved to a different department now. I'm handling Rustans and Makro. Arghhhhhh!!!!! Well, it IS a promotion but *gah* I am sooooooo smothered!
2) I won Salesman of the Year again (for the 2nd straight year). Makes me really bankable! *wink wink* Any headhunters out there? *wink wink* I would like to grab this opportunity to thank my friends and family for the support. To my distributors and my AFH team for cooperating and trusting me... hihihihihi...
3) Evan and I are 2 years now... Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... He's the best!!
4) Tomorrow's my birthday. I'll be celebrating on Saturday! Wanna cum? ;) Tell me so.
I'll tell you more when I feel like it again.. hehe.. so don't expect it to be soon! ;) But you'll never know.
link | YuneePuks posted at 1:10:00 PM |

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