Saturday, October 16, 2004


Yesterday was one long day. The AFH team started the tracking meeting at around 9:30am and ended around 10:30 in the evening. We skipped the dinner to celebrate my leaving so I went straight to Worm's place to celebrate Val's departure instead. Gah, I was so hungry I ate half of JR's bowl of cheese sticks. It was fun hanging around with my friends. Although I slept (in front of them) most of the time, I still participated in the discussions (issues with boyfriends, etc.)Everyone's right. My friend (let's not name them) shouldn't tolerate her ex's drama about being sick just so she'd go back to him. It won't help a bit. And I honestly feel bad that my other friend is not being treated well by her beau and she swallows her pride for him! Man, he doesn't have any redeeming factor at all! Sorry to thrash him like this but goodness, I really can't see why she calls him "nice" at all! I wouldn't really hate him if he was an idiot! Everyone has his or her own idiot moments. But to be a moronic asshole is another case! A girl, no matter how slutty she is, deserves some respect. I believe that's the same for boys. So if a person (especially a boyfriend) does not treat a friend of mine with any ounce of respect, then he's not worth any of mine.

link | YuneePuks posted at 9:33:00 PM |


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