Sunday, October 17, 2004
My Medicine
Called in sick but felt better around 2pm. I don't think my boss will appreciate me going back to work. :-p What should I do then? Being home can get so boring especially for a 3-day weekend. I downloaded a pic of a local artist and emailed it to an officemate (and the rest of my office friends) hoping he'll be embarassed to his skin that he looks like the person in the pic. It didn't work. He liked the pic in fact. UGH!!!I opened a new bank account to make my life easier. Well, at least that's something productive today. hehehe.. but I still feel the headache. Something inside me's telling me have to do something else!!
hehe.. mom's cure? go to the mall. We ate at Bizu.. still felt sickly.. went to the book shop... didn't find anything interesting (except for the new Sidney Sheldon book but I don't like the way it's published). We went to Rustan's again and browsed here and there.. Ohhh.. I bought the makeup I've been eyeing since last week!! It came with a free liquid eyeliner and an eyebrow pencil (thought it's too light for me.. probably for blondes)! :-D Now I'm happy! Do I still feel sick? A little... Am I ok enough to go to work tomorrow? YES!
I love shopping...
More of my new makeup soon! hehehe...
link | YuneePuks posted at 9:46:00 AM |

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