Saturday, October 23, 2004

Friday Night

After Tagaytay, I went out with Mitch and Cathy as promised. Nur followed. Mitch had 5 bottles of Strong Ice to drown her sorrows over that teacher who gave her a low grade on her exams. Now she has to take removals. I taught Cathy a bit about makeup. Nur announced that he got married and showed us his ring. Mitch was shocked... kept saying 'ewwww' and felt depressed. hehehe.. I didn't have the same reaction, which shocked Nur coz he was expecting me to fall off the chair. Well, who will get shocked if you know he and Jenny are so in love with each other and knowing he'll support Jenny. He'll be a good lawyer.. he'll get a good job with a good pay. What more does he need? Why prolong getting married if you're sure you'll end up with each other anyways?

Well, I felt that time that he should have told us ahead of time but he had a valid reason for not doing so. He invited us to the church wedding, though.

Maybe the reaction's dependent on the situation you're in. Mitch is still in school and is still available... I have work and Evan. No, I'm not thinking of getting married anytime soon. But the thought of doing so is somewhere there.

Too bad Nur's legally taken now, though. I know some girls who will cry once they hear the news. hehehehehehe...

Mitch ended the night by barfing her 5 bottles of beer outside my car. Never again??! YEAH RIGHT!!!

link | YuneePuks posted at 7:27:00 PM |


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