Friday, October 08, 2004
Sunless Sea
Tonight's really not the best time to start on this. I'm too pissed off to make a good impression.OK, I'll just revise the poem I wrote 6 years ago to express what I feel. Here goes:
Swimming a sunless sea
Violence envelope
Freedom ineffable
Forever unsatisfied
Every fish I follow
Swerve, curve and sway so fast
Shame, sorrow and despair
Of my vigilant friends
As I swim the soft surf
I feel the vicious zone
Of strokes on fresh asphalt
Simmering unfinished
Victimized by the sharks
Anguished, disillusioned
Faced with first and final
And the victory unshelves
Vanquishing surfaces
Brave but suffocated
'Tis the evolution
Of a salesman surviving ©
link | YuneePuks posted at 12:53:00 PM |

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