Saturday, October 09, 2004
I can't understand why I'm still so into Neopets!! bah! Currently, I'm frustrated with Bilge Dice because I had to rise from the bed just to finish it and it's not making me win easily!! Talked with Evan after taking a shower. He's sleepy.. hehe.. called me a sicko! :-p *picks Evan's nose* My cute, cute Evan. I love it when my phone rings to the tune of Milky's Just The Way You are and hear Evan's voice when I pick it up. I love it when he calls me during the day just to tell me he loves me. Ack!! I'm so in love!I ruined 1cho's day by inviting him to have a liposuction with me!!! Hahahaha.. what's wrong with that? Even the thinnest of all celebrities had a liposuction. Every girl thinks she's fat! Should I feel better because I just don't think it? I know it, in fact! :-p Too bad 1cho's a guy. I'll have loads of things to tell him if only he has a vagina.
Gonna sleep now. I won't be able to if I want to win this blasted Bilge Dice.
link | YuneePuks posted at 2:52:00 PM |

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