Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Paradigm Shift
It's been 6 months. A lot has happened and it's high time I tell the world my misadventures once more.I've been on blog vacation because I had to focus on my priorities. Yet after a year in my field, I still feel like an amateur. Our team incentive to Country Suites was centered on Paradigm Shifts. Although we didn't really have any programs related to that, it made me think about where I am now and where I wanna be in a year's time.
Listed are events/people/songs/etc that influence my move to change the course of my life:
- Gospel of Judas - will they rewrite the Bible?
- Papa Cologne - amoy Juancho
- April Fool's - *sigh*
- Princess Lulu -I don't know why but I'm captivated
- Tagaytay - new pick-up point
- Azlan - not the lion
- Temptation Island - the new generation f*cked up shit
- Rustan's - my new Megamelt
- Lala - landuchay
- Mylene - pokpok
- Rustom - hmmmmmm...
- Bar results - made me think A LOT!
- Philippines - the best tourist destination in the world... if only people knew...
- Evan - the only thing constant in my life right now.
- Mayon - may be found in Tagaytay
- Jun de Roxas - Jackie's future
- Christian Bautista - my subconscious James Bernas
- Scott Stapp - hahaha.. LOSER!
- Beach - not as sticky and itchy as before
I'll add more on the list when I get home.
link | YuneePuks posted at 4:07:00 PM |

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