Sunday, July 17, 2005
"Happiness is time spent with a friend and looking foward to sharing time with them again." -Lee WilkinsonHad dinner with Mitch, Angelo, Cathy, Patrick, Worm and JR last night at Beluga. It's our last meeting before JR and Worm leave for Zamboanga. Haay, sige na nga. Mamimiss ko sila... Oo JR, mamimiss ko pangungupal mo sa amin. JR was ranting about my flooding his inbox with my daily blog updates. :-p Well, for those people who share the same sentiment, you can always change your profiles because I can't do anything to stop the alerts on my end. I'm so into blogging because it's the only time I can organize my thoughts and vent out my feelings after all the pressure and bullshit drama in the office.
Well, back to the Slashers @ Beluga. Angelo got promoted!!! Whooohooooo! I also told Mitch the unabridged version of my current issues. She gave me a different angle of the situation but I'll know if her theory's true by tomorrow night. There are only 5 people in this world right now who I can trust and who will understand and support this crusade I'm leading. It's not that I don't consider the others my friends. I just need the strength of these 5 people right now as I tread a dangerous path of adversity with people I trusted before.
Arghhh.. back to the topic. We went to JenTan's house after to see her before she leaves for Singapore today. Wow, the last time I saw her was like 2 years ago but it just feels like yesterday. JenTan's one of my best buds in high school and it's so refreshing to meet her again. (Oo Cathy, nakakasawa ka na! hehehe..) I can't wait to meet her in December again! And I can't wait to go on vacation with the Slashers this year (Mitch, parang awa mo na! Sumama ka na!). Hopefully I can bring Evan along (Hoy Evan, sumosobra ka na!)
Tsk tsk.. Too many friends will leave in a week's time. Joan will be leaving for Australia this Friday. Maybe it's a sign I should go on vacation too. Dunno if I can with my accounts' demands! :(
Ah well, I'm gonna sleep now. Need to be refreshed for the bull session tomorrow.
link | YuneePuks posted at 9:44:00 PM |

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