Tuesday, May 03, 2005
The Interpreter
"The only acting you ever see at the Oscars is when people act like they're not mad they lost. Nicole Kidman was smiling so wide, she should have won an Emmy at the Oscars for her great performance. I was like, 'If you'd done that in the movie, you'd have won an Oscar, girl!" -Chris RockI watched The Interpreter with Mitch yesterday. Got a bit disappointed coz it was supposed to be the first film to use the UN building and I like Sean Penn's acting and Nicole Kidman's body but the whole thing was boring and predictable. I dunno... maybe I just read too much of Sidney Sheldon and Dan Brown to know the formula of political drama with all the twists. Well, it's aptly named The Interpreter; Nicole was too focused on her diction and enunciation that everything else she did was too flat. Thank god Sean Penn (or the scriptwriter) brought in a few funny moments or else I would be sleeping again inside the theater (hmmm... or maybe it's because I drank 2 servings of Maxwell House Ice). *sigh* I really don't wanna diss Nicole. I like her better than that bubblehead Latina, Penelope Cruz and web-toed pudding-face Katie Holmes (What is wrong with Tom Cruise's now?). BUT *sigh* I'm really really disappointed.
link | YuneePuks posted at 4:38:00 PM |

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