Thursday, December 31, 2009
Bracing Myself

After a lo0o0o0o0ong blog slumber, I am finally back to that writing mood. Funny that I have to start anew right before the dawn of a new year. I am not writing this entry to include in my New Year's Resolution that I will blog religiously again. In fact, I'm here to declare that like Calvin in the comic strip above, I won't make any promises. I'll just let things happen and surprise myself and the world of the outcome.
So, 2010, get ready for me. :)
Happy New Year Everyone! CHEERS!! *mwah*
link | YuneePuks posted at 11:20:00 AM |

- commented at 4:20 AM, May 21, 2013~
Same mood, different feel, and totally new genre based on
the energy level you decide on. Lauren: What's it like to live with the titles 'the King' or 'Prince of
trance'. Started in 1999; based in Trance birthplace Germany, Ableton released their first version Ableton Live in 2001.
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