Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Bullets and Uniforms
"What about things like bullets?" - Herb Kimmel, Behavioralist, Professor of Psychology, upon hearing the quote from Epictetus in my previous blogI find the quote appropriate since I've practically spent my whole day begging Nora Bala to have my orders released. hehehe... She's quite considerate anyways. But I think I sold my soul to the devil already just so I can deliver to Rustan's tomorrow. So if ever they diss me when I go there tomorrow, I'll burn their whole building down! hehehe...
Another reason why I chose the quote is because, as stated, it replies to the quote I used in my previous blog. Same case as the email drama all the women in Kraft witnessed!! My gawd, as much as I demand freedom of speech and transparency, I think that one's outrageous! And we think uniforms are boring?! HAH! There are far more problems in Kraft (even this country) is experiencing right now so they shouldn't bust a nut for this. And they had to use the email like an aquarium for our reading pleasure. Ang nagsasabi ng tapat, dapat tumuwad...para enjoy! Wazzup, wazzup!?! If that's how you want to spend your office time, it's NOT fine with me!
link | YuneePuks posted at 7:48:00 PM |

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