Saturday, July 02, 2005
Friday at the Fort
"If a woman insists on being called Ms, ask her if it stands for miserable." -Russel Bell1 week to go! Yahoo!!!!!!
Last night I had dinner at the Fort with Yerik, Lala, Mylene, Linel, Linel's friend Joey, Joan and Junet. After Yerik and Junet left, Gerald followed and we had coffee, beer and bottomless iced tea (plug-in: LIBRE LAHAT NI BLANCO para daw di na sya tawaging praktikal). Tang should have launched iced green tea instead of the usual lemon iced tea. I'm so addicted to C2 and the most frustrating thing is that it's out of stock.
Don't ask me what my theme right now is. The quote above has no relevance whatsoever. It's just a nice thought for the day.
I miss my Evan so much. :'(
link | YuneePuks posted at 5:32:00 PM |

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