Friday, June 24, 2005
Bilog ang Mundo

Sino ngayon ang mukhang tanga? You guys chose to form a group that barely has nothing but artificial friendship in store so let's see how long you can all stand each other. Let me just remind you that without our help, you wouldn't be close to those people. Jackie's right. You think we are immature for feeling this? Then don't feel bad if we don't consider you our friends anymore. We're not trying to prove anything. We're just tired of being your "friends in need." You get what you deserve and it's definitely not our patience and friendship.
Let's see how far your dicks will go coz it seems you keep using them to decide your fate.
On the lighter side: WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE......... JULY 9 is the day!!!!!!!!
link | YuneePuks posted at 5:06:00 PM |

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