Saturday, June 18, 2005
Heh, I wasn't able to post a blog yesterday because Gerald treated Christy and me to coffee after office. Yeah, we spent like 5 hours there just talking about office matters and personal issues and trivial stuff. haha... some of the questions were serious, others were hilarious.Anyways, was surfing the net yesterday and I chanced upon this ringtone of a mock wire-tapped conversation between the president and Garcillano (Garci, in the ringtone). If you want to hear the ringtone, click here.
I can't help but admire Filipino humor. It doesn't really solve problems but it helps to lighten issues in the society. I really have no take in the wire tapping controversy because it's not yet proven true.
Need to sleep now.
link | YuneePuks posted at 4:55:00 PM |

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